I guess someones basket was on the roof of Shellie's house. I think it was Cory's or Mike's but I'm not sure.
When my dad and Cory hide baskets, they can be ANYWHERE!!!! I was looking out by the wood pile and we have a resident squirrel and I looked up to see it like a foot from my face. Scary!
Shellie and Madison.
So, I went to talk to my bishop this last Sunday. I've always wanted to go through the temple, when Cory got married, I seriously wanted to go to his wedding. But couldn't. It nearly killed me when Trent got married and I couldn't be there. I hated it. I'm pretty good about hiding my emotions so I don't think anyone thought anything about it. But I hated not being able to see my little brother get married(even when he took out his endowments, it was pretty hard on me).
But I kept telling myself, I'm on God's time, not mine. When He thinks I am ready, then HE will let me know.
For the last 2-3 months I've been nagged about talking to the bishop about going to the temple. Something in the back of my head just kept bugging me. In sacrament meeting I was so nervous, I just knew I HAD to talk to Bishop that day. I knew I couldn't really get started on working towards it till I knew what I needed to do.
So we talked, he asked me the questions. So for the next 3 months I can only read church approved books(ensign, Sunday school books, institute manuals, books by prophets and apostles, book of Mormon, etc). Because I have a problem with reading non fiction books about polygamy and they kinda put their version of the way the church was started and some of it's not true and it can affect what I think. So this is kinda going to help build my testimony of the church and how important the temple is.
I am really excited to start this experience. I started reading A Marvelous Work and a Wonder by Le grand Richards. It was first written in 1958. So we'll see if I can get through it. I have a hard time with the heavier stuff.
I just feel like it's my time. I mean I won't be able to go through till later on this year, but I'm so excited to put it into action. And have something to work towards. I'm not just wandering right now, I have something worthwhile to work on and look forward to. Just the way it's been on my mind A LOT of the last few months, I feel like I am serious this time. There is nothing holding me back now. This is for me. Yay!!!
Then I told the bishop about how my 2nd goal this year is to get up in sacrament meeting and bear my testimony, which I have never done before. When I told him, he kinda laughed and said since we had about 10 minutes left of the meeting he felt like he needed to ask me to get up and do it then, but he was afraid I'd get up and walk out! I thought that was kinda cool! My bishopric is awesome!!!