Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving day we did family pictures. Here are a few. :)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Look, it's a walmart smiley. lol
Life is crazy. I am now officially a day shifter. Crazy work schedule. To be ready and at work I have to be up by 4 a.m. Thats when I used to go to bed. :( But it's going to worth it to be able to have a life now. And to be able to travel when and where I want to without having to fight to get friday night off. :) I miss the guys on 2nd shift, but I am excited to be meeting new people. Plus luckily most of my girls are on this shift so I have people to chill with on breaks. All in all it's a good move.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

So, apparently it's been awhile since I've updated. I just haven't thought too much about it. What's been going on? Not much!! People moving out, people visiting, baptisms, new piercings, super busy at work, almost got the jeep paid off, etc. So basically life! :)
I have a ton of pictures to add, but I will probably never get around to it. lol! Sorry! But I am still alive! :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

All right, I guess I should update this. I don't have much to say. I'm just waiting for my fingernails to dry, painted them hot pink. :) The week before christmas I took TLO(temp. lay off), planned for 3 months, suppose to go back March 13th. Well, a lot happened in that time. After 3 weeks of vacation, being screwed over by unemployment, I decided to go back to work on the weekend shift. Totally different atmosphere. Getting up at 4 am so I could be at work by 5:30. And work 12 hours, but we really haven't been busy, so I haven't worked a full 12 hours. And it's been hard not being able to go to church. After being extremely inactive for the last year, I made a resolution to start going every sunday that I could. One sunday I couldn't go because it was the super bowl and everyone wanted to done by a certain time, so I couldn't leave, another sunday they had to be done by a certain to do some kind of work at the warehouse, so I couldn't leave. And I just decided it's only for a few more weeks, and if I can't get off early enough to go and not have to come back after sacrament meeting, then I'd just stay at work. Then they hit us with a little bomb, that we kinda have been waiting for, we are all surprised they waited so long. They decided to shut down the 2nd shift(which is where I was). All the areas but receiving, and gave us all 3 choices for where we wanted to go. I chose an area on first shift as my first choice, one on weekends as my second choice and as my very last choice I chose receiving second shift(my old shift), I was hoping with everything that I wouldn't get that because receiving is not for chicks. It's so hot in the trailers in the summer and freezing in the winter. That's the one that I got. But I have 90 days to hope a better position comes open to be first in line for it instead of going by seniority since I was displaced from my position. Which I doubt will happen, since there were so many people on my shift. So march 13th, I will go back to my shift just not my area. :( At least I will get my weekends back. I have 2 more weeks on the weekend shift, it's ok. I am now starting to get used to getting up at 4 am. But it's only for 3 days. I have no idea what to do with my time on the 4 days off. It's crazy, so it will be nice to get back on my shift. So I just watched the new Twilight movie. Wow, not obsessed about those movies. Plus I am totally team Jasper. I love Alice and Jasper. But that movie is so weird. I haven't read any of the books, I tried the first one, but I just couldn't get into it. Then the last one, I just read the last chapter. Oh-well. At least I'm not totally out of the loop. I might get my braces off next week. I still need to have my surgery, but who knows when that is going to happen. Plus my priorities keep changing. So I'm just not going to worry about it. I'm just tired of getting those horrible canker sores while wearing braces. No fun. Plus making out with braces, that's scary stuff. ;) Anyways, that's whats going on in my life. Fun stuff. lol

Monday, January 2, 2012

Favorite Pictures of 2011

Melinda Lou, playing with my camera.

Me chilling out in the back yard after they ordained Bryce to be a deacon.

One of my ALL time favorite pictures. This lamp was given to my mom as a set from my grandma. Now I use one of them.

What adults do after the kids are done playing with the toys on christmas day. lol

What we Leavitt's do while camping. :)
I read this poem a few years ago. And it's the reason I do most of the things I do, I could do better, but I always think of this poem during every day things.

I don't want God to be ashamed of me. I don't want him to blush when I walk into the room. I don't want Him to point me out to one of the angels and say "Yes, he's one of mine, even though he doesn't act like it."
So I'm glad I don't have to be uncertain to answer to the question, "is God ashamed of me?" The answer is completely under my control. It all depends on whether I consider myself an alien and a stranger in this world and anxiously look forward to heaven. If that is my attitude, then I'll also live like it.....
As children of God, we are citizens of heaven. Earth is no longer our home, we long for heaven.