Monday, March 30, 2009

Rula Ipson- April 21, 1919- March 30, 2009

We just got a call from my uncle Dave saying my grandma Ipson passed away today. I don't know how to handle death. The only person close to me that has died was my grandpa Leavitt and that was when I was still in high school.

My grandma was awesome. She used to always come down on tuesdays, work in the temple on wednesdays and leave thursday. For years she did that. She's had such a hard life, but she was such an amazing person. She is finally with her husband- my grandpa Ipson(he died in 1982- 26 1/2 years ago) and she never remarried! As soon as I find more pictures of her I will post them. Right now I am just in shock! But it's been a long time coming. I don't know whether to feel blessed to have had her in my life and happy that she now with grandpa Morrill or sad that she will no longer be in my life. The shock will probably hit me when I am at work and I'll probably start crying while I am packing a box. I hope my bosses will be understanding if I have a break down.
It will be great to see all my cousins at her funeral, but I just wish it was for something happier!
I love you grandma!


Jessie said...

I love grandma... I was able to see her tonight...

Love you too.. Hope things go ok for you this week!

Tamarynn Leigh said...

Jer...I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma. I know how close you were to her and how much you loved her. We will definitely keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. Love you!!

The Hughes' said...

I think it's okay for you to feel all of those things! I think it's healthy to feel all of those things! I hope this helps, but she was just so peaceful looking! Your grandpa did come get her! Remember she is so happy, but it's also okay to miss her! She was an amazing woman! I was lucky because I got to live so close and have almost every Sunday dinner with her, but I wish I could have known her better, before she began to forget! I loved listening to her stories about how she met your grandpa especially! I have cried a lot and had a lot of emotions! Even though she wasn't "my biological grandma" I still love her! I can't wait to see you guys and meet the rest of the family I have yet to meet!

HaroldandLoretta said...

Jerolyn, I wish I was there to hug you. We are so sorry to hear about Grandma Ipson. Sometimes, you just want people to live forever, but what a blessing it is for them to pass on to the next chapter of their life. I know she is happier to be with her loved ones. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, and it is OK to cry whenever you feel like. Your birthday sounded fun. I am so glad the people at work are so nice to you. Hugs, Loretta - Sister Hinton - Yea, I really have to 49 now, because I have a child that is 40!!!! Love you girl.