Saturday, July 11, 2009

Dork is the wrong word!

Ok, as me and Edwin have our texting dates(pathetic huh) I always call him a dork! He told me to look it up! Lovely definition(he has WAY too much time on his hands). So he is now a goober, which means peanut! : )

I know we are weird! It runs in the family(well, mine anyways).

Oh and seriously do they make 80 inch measuring tape(soft measuring tape). I decided to start using a exercise ball(for my stomach) and my tape measure is only 60 inches! Hmmm, maybe I'll have to cut out an 80 inch string or something to make sure it's pumped up enough!
This is a picture of my funky little flower! I can't remember what it is called but I love it!


Jessie said...

Adam and I had, and still have a lot of txting dates... That's just how life works out sometimes!

The flower is beautiful! I love it!

I love the exercise ball! So good! It helps stretch out your back too! The only thing I didn't like about it was that it took up so much space... Good luck tho! Bet Ann has some tips for using it... She's kinda pro with stuff like that...

Oh, and don't worry, we're all weird... It's not just you... And I really don't think you're weird at all!

Jessie said...

So I say Dork all the time... just looked it up because of your post... oops... Won't be using that word anymore~

Natalie said...

now i'm curious...what does it mean?

Unknown said...

ROTFLMAO that's awesome :)

I like your flower! I'm pretty good at killing stuff, not so good with the actual growing it (although I am growing an herb garden now! Woohoo!)

I have had innumerable texting dates... I like being able to save them in my phone and remember them when I need a pick-me-up. :)