Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

This year we didn't take any pictures of Christmas day. But I did get a internet thingy for my laptop, so now I have internet on my laptop. But I don't have any pictures on here. So that is why there aren't any pictures this time.
Christmas was good. Despite everyone being sick. I've been sick for like 2 weeks, just a cold(stuffy nose, sore throat, chest congestion, etc). Tanner and Trent have been sick, Dani was sick. My dad has been sick. Fun stuff. But mine has been going the longest so far.
Instead of stockings, which my parents put a huge effort into every year, they decided not to this year and put the candy in one bowl, nuts in another, candy canes in a cup in the middle of the table. I liked that better, for a change.
My dad woke me up around 8:45, which is nice because usually we get up at 7 am, but when you don't have kids, that excitement isn't there. But I stayed up texting Edwin and watching movies.
I got a lot more than I expected, but everything I asked for. I wanted purple sheets, Ree Drummond- the Pioneer Woman cookbook(love it), a Arm & Hammer spin brush, a memory card for my camera(so I won't have to delete pictures on the one I have now), a ton of necklaces, Shellie gave me a necklace holder(love it) and these really cool beads that you put in water and they grow, they are good for vases. Natalie gave me a wooden nativity set.
I was so tired and I didn't feel good at all, so I fell asleep around 1 and slept till 7:30. I was still tired that night, I did a lot of sleeping this weekend.
I HATE being sick, didn't go to church on Sunday, I was too miserable. Cory and Natalie came up on Saturday night. Lots of fun. If I didn't feel so miserable I would have wanted to do more. Oh-well!
I hope I do something fun for New Years eve, I don't work, but I'm broke as can be!!! So if anyone has any ideas, let me know! Maybe I can talk Cody into letting me borrow a bunch of movies and my parents into buying tons of junk food and Edwin into coming over. Hmmmmm. Oh-well! Maybe I'll hang out with Shellie's family, I'm suppose to get Marmaduke from Netflix next!
Anyways, that's the excitement going on in my life! :)
Next time I will put pictures on here!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Here are some more pictures. I don't really like any of the pictures taken lately, so I only picked 2.

Uncle Jerrol, long story behind this picture. He was hiding from me though! Lol!

Here is my christmas bouquet. Orginally I wanted tiny pine cones on the bottom, but couldn't find any, anywhere! So I just settled on mini ball ornaments and tiny gift bows. I think turned out cute. Emily helped me with, I'm still not happy about it, but it will do.
Life has been slow lately. It's been nice, but at times really frusterating. Like work, we have temps. which is nice because I can take a day off and not have to fight for it or hope that I can get it off. But also, it means not getting our hours, I just think they don't want to get rid of them right before christmas. Oh-well! I'm just grateful for a job right now.
Dating! I mean, yeah I'm dating someone, but it doesn't feel like it because we never see each other. And I understand why and I'm fine with it, but I'm just tired of people telling me that this isn't normal. I wish I could get into it, but I can't. I guess I am just having a bad night and I feel neglected. It's a girl thing! Oh-well!
But other than that, life is good! Christmas is almost here, which means spring will be here soon after that! Yay!!!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving, I will add more later. :)

This year EVERYONE was there, plus Aunt Linda and Melinda. It was hard to get a good picture of everyone.

Me, getting christmas trees.

Fall bouquet. Just something fun. I'm going to try to do one for each holiday. It is kinda fun. And they are fake, so they don't bother my dad's allergies.

Jameson and Abby. Her face cracks me up! She's so cute!

I made a bunch of magnets, because we couldn't find where my mom put our magnets when we got a new fridge. This is the result.

Friday, November 19, 2010

This picture was taken by Cody at work. We were just messing with our phones and I actually kinda like this picture! :)

I am just messing around with my blog, and if you get on Stats it will tell you where people are that look at your blog. Who the heck from Germany or Russia??? A little worried now! Because I seriously have never 'blog stalked' so now am just a little not sure what to write anymore. I don't want to go private because no one really ever reads my blog anyways, but I want it available for those who know me and do read it. Oh-well! Whatever!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I LOVED my purple background on here, seriously, it was soothing to my eyes. Plus I LOVE purple. But I felt I needed to celebrate Halloween, or something like that. I would have done a deer hunting background if I had found one. My dad, Trent, Shellie's family, Edwin, they all got tags this year, so this weekend, everyone will be gone. I hoping we go to my grandma's Friday night. If we don't, maybe I can just go myself for the weekend, I already love it up there. Then up to Manti on Sunday or something. We'll see! :)

Pictures taken the day of Aunt Mary's funeral.

Too much to write about. We had Tanners blessing, I've been sick. It was not fun! Aunt Mary's funeral in Richfield. It seems like every weekend for the last 2 months has had something going on. And the next two weekends will be busy also!
But I'm ready for this weekend, I even painted my toe nails and finger nails orange for the deer hunt, then I will paint them black for Halloween! :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Conference Weekend

This is what we did this weekend-

My mom will probably get mad at me for putting this pic of her on here, but I couldn't get her to pick her nose for me(I was being extremely annoying about it too!!!)

Mike and Shellie(I have a WAY better picture of Shellie, but she won't let me put it on here! It's a pretty awesome 'pay back' picture).

Red Cliffs- it was pouring rain and on the red rocks it looked white and slick. It was neat.

All of us who went, it's a little blurry, but whatever.

The storm coming in from the south.

We went to Red Cliffs after conference got over on Saturday. My cousin Melinda Lou was here and that's what she wanted to do. We had planned on having hot dogs and salad and to go hiking. But a storm came in while we were there, the wind was blowing red sand all over, then it stared pouring rain. It was crazy, so we came back home and roast hot dogs and marshmallows and talked, played with Tanner, watched a movie, Skylar came over. It was just a fun relaxing day! We totally needed the rain!!!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010


So here's what's been going on lately....

Dani and Tanner(she was trying to hide).

Me holding Tanner with Trent. He just fell asleep like that, he's so cute! :)

Then I moved him to my lap. Man, he can sleep!!!

We went up to Kolob Sunday for a Sunday drive, it's so gorgeous up there! We stopped by the lake to eat and while we were sitting there, Edwin swore he saw an eagle(I've never seen an eagle on Kolob before). So I got my flashlight and it was an owl! I've never seen an owl in the wild before(I don't even know if I've seen one in general before). So I was all excited!

It let us take pictures of it, I shined my flashlight on it while Edwin took pictures of it. It stayed in one place for a few minutes! It was awesome!

Not much is going on around here. Trent and Dani are in the process(as I type this) of moving in here. Until they move up north(if they go that route). It's going to be crazy around here! But we'll have a baby in the house, so that will be fun!

Anyways, I don't know what to write, but thought I'd put some new pictures on here(that are already on facebook). Hope everything is awesome with everyone!!! :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I just wanted to save this picture some where that I could see it often, until I can print it off!

This is from my great-great-great grandmother!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Leavitt Reunion 2010

Here are some pictures of our Leavitt reunion up on Kolob(God lives there).

The quakies are so thick! It was gorgeous!!!!!! I'll have to take Edwin up there before it gets cold, preferably when the colors change! :)

Me trying to climb the vanilla pine tree, maybe my next post I'll put the picture of me kissing it(I was really smelling it).


Whitney, making Celestial S'mores.

Before braces, I could actually get my tongue up my nose!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

These pictures were taken off of a Long Beach, Washington website(yes, I stole them). I wish I was up there right now. That one trip I went on ruined me. Someday!!!

I haven't really been in the mood to post lately! I was on my class website and was checking out some of my other classmates blogs. Interesting. In a way, it bummed me out, because they are all married with kids and I'm not! But in a way, the rebel in me comes out and says "eh, big deal, I'm not the one running after kids, wiping snotty noses." Don't get me wrong, I want kids(however many God wants to give me). Just not this second!

The ward that I LOVED, I am no longer in. I am totally bummed out about that, I knew it was coming, but I guess I just didn't want it to happen. I thought if I ignored it long enough it wouldn't happen, I guess.....
They did a whole new college/singles ward change. They are making it so if your not in the boundaries of a certain ward, they will discourage you from going. My bishop is totally awesome and said I can continue going to his ward till I go through the temple. But I have to make the change eventually, so I am going to go to my new ward tomorrow and talk to Bishop Johnson and see if I have to start over on all my temple preparation. I just need to start temple prep classes. I had to wait till all the ward changes happened. If I have to start all over on my work(which I shouldn't), then I will go go back to my old bishop and talk to him, because I trust him, he's pure awesomeness. Edwin aged out and he's going to a family ward now. I'll miss that, I think it was a good thing for us to go to church together because we learned the same thing and were able to talk about it later. And FHE's, I am going to miss!!! Even though Bishop Jenson said I can still go to theirs, we will see!
Now I get to feel like a chaperone in my new ward, yay! That's why I found the ward I liked because the Hurricane ward was just too young for me! Oh-well! I'm going to give it a try!
Seriously, I really don't have much to blog about. My camera has been sitting in the same spot since our little Ipson reunion a few weeks ago. I have a Leavitt reunion next weekend, so I'll try to get some fun pictures up there.
My 10 year HS reunion is the same weekend, it will be too much driving back and forth to do both, so I am going to go to Peach Days Friday night and hopefully see the people that matter. Even though I would love to see Bobbi and Matt, I've been talking to Bobbi a lot on facebook and she is so stinkin' awesome and she is moving back to Utah from Oregon, but she'll be in the SLC area. Maybe I'll have to go on a little trip and visit all of my favorite people up there!
Oh, yeah! Before I forget, Trent and Dani had their baby on the 20th. Their blog is private, so when I get a picture of Tanner, I'll post it! He's a cutie!!! I saw him last Sunday and he's so much fun to hold(like all new born's). I would have gone over after work on the days I have gotten off early, but after working where I work, I don't want to hold a new baby! Yuck! That kid would probably get really sick.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Ok, so we had a family reunion last weekend. And I am finally updating my blog! I put these pictures on facebook, but I just felt the need to explain them, I guess!
The only pictures that I didn't take with my camera were when we all went to the temple friday, I think Trent or Natalie got some though!

Me! In a swimming suit! OH MY GOSH!!!!! Wow!!! Yes, I am wearing a swimming suit and yes, it is purple! I haven't been swimming in like 8 years, it was at FHE once and I got pulled in! My swimming suit was too big on top(it fit when I bought it), so I had to wear a tank top over it, plus I felt it showed too much skin!

Chris going off the high dive. I told him if he went off, I'd go off. He said ok, but I'm sure that he was used to doing it. So, he won in that round! Little brat!

Cory trying to flip me over. My brothers are such wienies!!! They all picked on me that night, except Trent!!!

Going off the high dive.

Emily sleeping outside!
Here are some more pictures of our little family reunion!

Asleep outside! Everyone was out there, my dad, wade, cory, me, all the kids. It was fun!

Me and Shellie, we were waiting for the sun to go down so we could take our sibling picture. We look so enthusiastic!! Seriously!

ME!!! Seriously, it's a Leavitt trait to stick our tongues out when a camera is out, we get it from our mom!

The girls, we had are toes done and we took a picture of all of us!

My mom and me!!! LOVE this picture!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'm just reading every one's blogs and decided I needed to at least write something!
Since I never work anymore, I have the time to update, but I find myself busy with the things I enjoy that I never get to do. My flower gardens are almost weed free(with the help from my awesome dad!!!). And I made a super YUMMY zucchini casserole.
I'm still working on my quilt, I set it up like 2 weeks ago, I'm sorta working on it when I feel like it! Once I get down there and work on it, I can't stop, but when I do stop, I don't want to go back and start again! It will get finished! Before winter! :)
I got SO sick at work the other day! I've been fine at work the last few Tuesdays that I've been in! But this week, crazy, it was SO HOT!!!! At 5:30 in the freakin' morning, 90 degrees!!! Heat exhaustion is no fun! And I get it really easily! So I told Shay I was leaving. I don't like leaving early like that when we are busy, but I was miserable!
So I came home, took a shower and went to bed. I felt horrible all day Tuesday and Wednesday I felt better, but I am still having a hard time being hungry!
Monday night was SO fun!!!!! I went to FHE, we went to Rec center, swimming, since I don't like swimming, I took a book, I just wanted to be around people, other than my family. I love people, I just don't talk a lot! I read while they swam.
Then we went to eat somewhere, there is usually about 9-10 people who come to FHE regularly, there was 7 of us. It was fun, then we went to play sand volleyball at the park, I didn't play, but I watched. I need someone to teach me how to play. I played Frisbee, tried to kill Dan! That was fun! That was until midnight. Then we ran through the sprinklers at the park! We waited until after the cop drove past! That was way fun!
So I went to talk to my bishop about getting a baptism for the dead recommend, since my family is going to the temple together, next weekend. He told me that when I am ready I can start taking temple prep classes. I'm so excited! I'm thinking September. I would like to go through on September 11, since that's my parents anniversary and it's a Saturday! That will give me plenty of time to take temple prep classes and get everything ready for it! But if not that weekend then anytime after that! I guess we will see! Nothing is going to stop me from going through! Unless God comes down and tells me in person not to go!!!
Anyways, so that is what is going on right now! :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Kolob Pictures

I guess I better update the blog!

This picture is too funny! Shellie and kids were all on Chris' bed, reading. I thought I'd jump on and join them. Jameson was 'coughing' on purpose, so he looks like a dork!

These next 2 pictures were taken on Kolob, my favoritest place on earth!!!! I wish my family owned land up there, it's the one place where I really feel at peace. I look forward to going up there whenever possible! Luckily I've had the opportunity to go up twice so far this summer!

So, we got really slow at work and they decided to shut down the outbound side on my shift, for 8 weeks. I had the option to go to 1st shift(knowing me, you know I will never do that), go to weekends or take TLO(temp. lay off). I decided to do TLO. Which I've never done before. I go in on Tuesdays from 5:30 am till 11 am, to cover my benefits. It's hard! I hate early mornings. So I pull all nighters Monday night, I'm afraid once I fall asleep I won't wake up because I am such a deep sleeper. I've only done it 2 times so far, the first week wasn't so bad, I fell asleep in the bath tub. But this week, I was a little more tired. But then again I am getting a cold and had the joy of getting a HUGE cold sore.
At first I was so frustrated over being forced to change my hours or get laid off. But now I am kinda glad I have 8 weeks off to play. In August I will go back to my shift, but at least I get the majority of the HOT summer off!
I still don't know what I am going to do with all my time off. This week, nothing, because I feel horrible. But I am going to make a quilt, or try anyways. Work on another quilt. Put all of my music on the computer. Work on getting my temple recommend(still). Try a whole ton of new recipes(if my dad will buy the ingredients). CLEAN!!!! I'm having a hard time coming up with cheap things to do that will keep me busy. Lucky for me I already have the stuff to do my quilt, I just need to get it started, which I was going to do this week, but I feel so horrible, so I've been doing a lot of reading and drinking tea! Yay for me!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Crazy pictures!

Here are some pictures of the last week.

Our property. The HUGE shade pinion in the middle of our camp ground sorta had a few branches break off and they fell on the table and broke a few surrounding trees. My dad said "good fire wood"!!!

This picture was taken at our ward camp out with the Hurricane singles ward on East Zion at the Clear Creek ranch(?). I don't want to put other pictures on here with out anyone's permission. So this is just a random picture of the fun we had!

Edwin and I went up to Kolob this Saturday in the evening, this is one of the lovely pictures he took! I had to delete a few pictures he took of me! They were so bad!!! But was GORGEOUS up there! The reservoir is clear up to the road! I've never seen it that full before! FISHING here I come!!!

We had a HUGE freak storm a few hours before we went up to Kolob, this is the hail that came off the roof out of the gutter. Crazy!!

This picture was taken down by Chevron, holy lake!!! It as crazy!!! LOVED it! We had a small pond on the side of our house. If Wade and Cory can remember how the water would collect on the side of the house, it was about 6 inches deep, but soaked in really fast. LOVED that storm!!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Relay for Life weekend---

This weekend was crazy! The Hurricane singles ward invited my ward(Washington) to go camping up at Clear Creek, on East Zion and my cousin was doing a Relay for Life in Kanab, and I thought it would be fun to get out and participate. Crazy! So I drove to East Zion(I hate driving through the park, stupid slow drivers- sorry tourists), got up there right after dinner, I would have left earlier, but the reason is for another post. Stayed for a fireside, my cousin Whitney was there, so I hung with her and Marie for awhile.
Left for Kanab around 10:30 pm. It's not a very long drive, maybe 25 miles. I'm not sure how much I walked, I lost track after 6 times around the track, we watched "The Blind Side" well, at least some of it, I walked during the middle and caught the last few minutes. Then they did "The Princess Bride" which I can quote perfectly. I ate a hot dog at like 3:30 am, never done that before. It was really cold there! I was surprised on how cold it got! But me being prepared, I survived it! Edwin and Cody were texting me until 4:30 to keep me awake. They are awesome!
I love this picture of my uncle Jerrol! It cracks me up!!!!

Stuart, Jordan and Austin. I tried to get them all to smile!

The luminaries, one with the flash and other with out it.

Karri, Ryan and I were there to support the Leavitt's. Gordon's sister(I'm guessing thats who she was) and her two daughters were there. Kims kids and uncle Jerrol and aunt Peggy were there. There were a few others, but I of course didn't know them.
They were selling stuff and I bought 2 shirts(who would pass up on a $1 shirt- make good work shirts). The Leavitt team came in 3rd.
Around 5, when the sun was coming up, I decided to go in and lay down in the tent, I pulled my fire fighter beanie and that Cory gave me a couple years ago, over my eyes, so it was dark. And at like 6 blaring music started. So I didn't get any sleep. We ate, did some more walking and cleaned up. They had a bunch of raffles and lots of games, it was neat, there was a kid who had walked from 6 the night before till they finished the next morning. It was crazy. I think I left around 10:30ish, not sure. Went over to uncle Jerrols house and cleaned up.
I stopped up at our property on East Zion just to look around, that itself is a whole other post. I guess we won't be camping up there till we get it cleaned up. Our BIG huge tree(that shaded our tables) had some huge branches fall off and break other trees around it, on top of the picnic tables. It was bad. I have some pictures, but I will post them later.
Went back to Clear Creek, got there around 12, they were finishing up with a game or a fireside, not sure. Everyone went down to the creek and was swimming and canoeing. It looked like a lot of fun, if I didn't hate water so much, plus the water was all mossy and algae-y, it was gross. I'll post pictures later.
I was SO tired, that I left around 2:30ish. Even though it was fun, I was dead!
Got home almost 4, because of those slow drivers through the park, but by the time I got out of Virgin, I didn't care, I was too tired to speed home.
I fell asleep in the bath tub, woke my self up because I could hear myself snoring. Then later I fell asleep on the trampoline, which is extremely uncomfortable.
Finally I just went to bed at 11:30, Edwin text me 7 minutes later, never even heard it. I was out. I woke up at 11, sat up to start getting ready for church, but I was so tired, I couldn't even keep my eyes open, all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep some more. So I did. I think if I had tried to go to church I probably wouldn't have stayed awake.
So it was an awesome weekend. Long, but totally worth it. And I am SO proud of myself, I only needed 1 Xanax, I thought I'd be popping them the whole time, because its in those situations when I need them. It wasn't until I mentioned that to Cody when I was like, uh-oh, I need one!
Can't wait for next year. Hopefully, that weekend won't be so busy.
I didn't go to the company picnic, because I was just too tired! :)